Taboos and Shunning

· 1 min read
Taboos and Shunning

Taboos and shunning are used to maintain social cohesion and group identity, protect the tribe from outside disturbance, promote conformity and cooperation and solve conflicts. Punishment such as shunning is a form of reaction to harm. Other forms would be making amends or reprimands. Punishment can take the form of

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Mother goddess and Matriarchy

· 1 min read
Mother goddess and Matriarchy

It is the mother who creates new life. The creator of the world would naturally be the mother of the world. The mother cares for the child, giving it nourishment and love. The experience of union with everything around you is associated with the feminine and thus the goddess. (It's

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Systemic story game development 2021

· 5 min read
Systemic story game development 2021

Welcome to Adventure alpha zero 2021. This is the second post in the series about my design for a systemic story game. The first was about NetHack. I have been thinking about this for 30 years. Especially the last two years. I have tried to find the complete and perfect

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· 5 min read

Facebook har genomgått många förändringar sedan starten ca 2004. Jag gjorde något liknande på mitt universitet med en webbkatalog med bilder på alla studenter. Sedan dess växte Facebook ganska organiskt och utökades från Harvard till att inkludera fler universitet och öppnades senare även människor utanför universiteten. Det byggdes från starten

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Horizon Zero Dawn

· 9 min read
Horizon Zero Dawn

With a fantastic concept, story, world and combat. Beautifully presented with a series of mysteries about the main character and the state of the world. Delves into technology, ecology, religion, politics and psychology.

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Tomb Raider

· 3 min read
Tomb Raider

De bästa sakerna med spelet (1996) är hur jag kan styra karaktären och hur den interagerar med miljön. En knapp för fötterna och en annan knapp för händerna. Och genom att kombinera dem kan jag ta mig genom miljön. Hoppa, ta tag i kanter, dra, knuffa, osv.

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Faerûn north-west map

· 3 min read
Faerûn north-west map

I'm the sort of DM that tends to overprepare. I wanted to know absolutely everything that can be known about all the places around Phandalin, with Neverwinter Woods, Sword Mountains. I created the map in Inkscape so that I can do modifications easily in vector format. I can zoom in

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The Last of Us

· 6 min read
The Last of Us

The Last of Us is a story based game set in USA twenty years after a pandemic apocalypse. It's one of my favorite games in terms of mood, drama, feeling and tension. I'm going to assume you have played (or watched) both The Last of Us and tLoU 2. Spoilers

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