Gamified education

· 1 min read
Gamified education

Play is the natural way children learn. The passion for play has lead to people developing games in many different forms. We have physical and mental games. Indoor and outdoor games. Imaginative and intellectual games. The advancement of computers has led to new possibilities in the types and scopes of

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Biomimetic robotics

· 1 min read
Biomimetic robotics

Evolution has resulted in adaptation in ways that are energy efficient, fault tolerant and having uses in diverse situations. We can learn from the forms, materials and processes found in nature. Using biomimetic animal morphology in robots will let them better handle natural environments. Herd behaviour, symbiotic cooperation, stochastic traversal,

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· 4 min read

Would it be possible to reconstitute a biosphere from scratch using seeds and eggs? That would be a thorough test of what we actually know about the ecosystems. What do we need from the earth, air and water? What viruses and microbes are needed? And how could the ecosystems be

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Holistic ecology

· 1 min read
Holistic ecology

The complex processes in nature has adopted over millions of years. A particular behaviour in a single species can affect other species through 20 intermediate causations. Every aspect can have many different effects. System properties also has different effects depending on environment and situation. The thing that looks useless can

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Emotional computer Intelligence

· 1 min read
Emotional computer Intelligence

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is a general purpose system that is smart enough to adapt to new situation by applying previous experience with an performance similar to or exceeding that of a human 7 year old. There are a lot enterprises trying to get closer to AGI. Computers today has

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Runaway replication

· 1 min read
Runaway replication

The horror that grows beyond all bounds of control, swallowing the world. What if the first atomic bomb would start a chain reaction that would just continue, igniting everything around it? The Earth would explode. The Sun. The Universe. There are many thing that grows exponentially. Viruses. Bunnies. The economy.

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Automation and Unconditional Basic Income

· 1 min read
Automation and Unconditional Basic Income

Depending on the environment, life without tools would keep most of your time on the task of staying alive and provide for your family. Food, water, shelter and protection from dangers. The time we have to work for our survival today is about 5 minutes per day. We may be

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Rite of Passage and Hero's Journey

· 2 min read
Rite of Passage and Hero's Journey

Tribes often has rites for people transition from one group to another. It can make roles and expectations clear, with promises and conditions.  It will increase the feeling of belonging and group cohesion. There may be a trial of endurance and skill as to only admit people who really want

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